home RI Mayoral Candidate

RI Mayoral Candidate

Michael (Mike) Thoms formally announces his candidacy for the office of Mayor of Rock Island in the upcoming municipal election April 4, 2017. A community leader and businessman, Mike is a life-long Rock Island resident, former COO of Thoms-Proestler Co. (TPC), and long-time volunteer for many Quad Cities organizations.

“I am proud to be a fourth generation resident of Rock Island. I’ve devoted the past twenty-five years to do my part to strengthen and improve Rock Island, and the Quad Cities. I’ve listened to friends, neighbors, business owners, and residents talk about their love for our community, and what can be done to make it better,” said Mike Thoms. “I love Rock Island and want to help take it to new levels. I believe with my experience in the private sector and with pubic/private partnerships, I will bring a fresh, open, and resolute approach to the challenges we face,” he continued.

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Community Involvement

Mike Thoms has been active in the community for over 25 years and has served as the chairman or board member of the following organizations.