home Rock Island Business Tour

Rock Island Business Tour

Mike Thoms For Rock Island Mayor

Rock Island businesses, large and small, are the heart of our city. In order to grow our economy we must not only create a welcoming environment for new businesses, but most importantly we have to ask how we can help to foster and grow businesses that already call Rock Island home.

Over the next 70 days I will be visiting area businesses to talk about the ups and downs of owning a business in Rock Island and discuss how the city of Rock Island can aid in helping them grow and thrive for years to come.

I also hope to give viewers at home a chance to learn about the businesses that make Rock Island the great city that it is!

Contact Mike Thoms

We want to hear from you! Send us your questions, concerns or sign requests!

Community Involvement

Mike Thoms has been active in the community for over 25 years and has served as the chairman or board member of the following organizations.